Saving Keystone XL Pipeline-Trudeau

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government is trying to persuade U.S. President Joe Biden not to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. Trudeau says he made the case to Biden about the pipeline's importance in the past and will do so again in the coming days while discussing other critical issues about Canada's bilateral relations with the United States of America.

Published by iafricavoices on 2021-01-20
The Keystone XL Pipeline, an oil pipeline system between Canada and the United States, owned by TC Energy and Alberta's Government, was commissioned in 2010. According to experts in the oil sector, the project will generate $30 billion in tax and royalty revenues for the present and future generations of the people of Alberta. It is estimated that the project will also provide North America with a steady and stable supply of crude oil; while reducing dependence on supply from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC. #keystoneXLpipelinesystem #canada #alberta #america #bilateralrelations. Don't forget to subscribe to our Social Media platforms for more informative videos.