Mental Health! The Unashamed Conversation with Rev. Joseph Kiirya.

As we commemorate Black History Month, lest we forget, we must focus on the African, Caribbean, and Black communities' needs as they navigate immigration's murky waters.

Published by Iafricavoices on 2021-02-08
Mental Health is an aspect that requires more insight, honesty, and unashamed conversations. We begin our celebration of the month with a candid discussion on Mental Health as we hear from a faith-based leader close to those afflicted by mental health challenges. In this engaging expose, Rev. Joseph Kiirya of the River Jordan Ministries Ottawa talks about the deep-rooted issues and the need to speak up on mental health. He narrates the ordeal of those going through the illness, the sense of urgency in fighting the stigma associated with mental health and the ability to access community resources. #stigma #selfcare #awareness