Wishes for Mother's Day

Mother's Day carries several emotions, spanning from heartfelt gratitude for maternal care to lingering pain from past wounds.

Published by Johnson Babalola on 2024-05-12
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Mother's Day carries several emotions, spanning from heartfelt gratitude for maternal care to lingering pain from past wounds. It is a celebration of the nurturing roles mothers play, whether step, adoptive, or biological mothers. Yet, it is also a touching reminder for those who yearn for reconciliation and healing in strained relationships.

For some, like DY, Mother's Day echoes with unresolved hurt, their hearts heavy with the weight of maternal neglect or betrayal. FH mourns the absence of her mother, rueful of past misunderstandings left un-amended. She whispers apologies into the void, longing for peace for both her and her departed mother.

In contrast, GV revels in the love of his step and biological mothers whom he proudly refers to as his two mothers, cherishing the guidance they have bestowed upon him. MM finds herself reflecting on her mother's words of wisdom, once dismissed in youth but now held dear in maturity. The complexities of mother-child dynamics manifest uniquely for everyone, as seen in KL's lingering bitterness towards a mother she perceives as stifling.

Then there's RT, eager to lavish his mother with tokens of appreciation and quality time, recognizing her as a pillar of strength. Amidst this mosaic of experiences, there is a common thread urging reconciliation and appreciation.

To those seeking solace in forgiveness for past grievances, may you find the peace you seek. For those grappling with fractured relationships, may courage guide your path toward reconciliation. And to those yearning for the joys of motherhood, may your hopes be realized in time.

Let us extend gratitude to all mothers, including those who have raised children, biological or not, and may feel underappreciated. Let us also remember those who have lost children, finding solace in cherished memories. To mothers nurturing strong bonds with their children, may your connection flourish evermore.

For those facing the challenges of motherhood, whether alone or with a partner, may wisdom, strength, and support be your allies. As we celebrate Mother's Day, let us not forget the importance of seeking help and reconciliation where needed, ensuring that the love and sacrifices of mothers are honored and cherished.


Happy Mother's Day to every mother, with wishes for joy, healing, and the wisdom to seek assistance when necessary. May your dedication never go unnoticed, and may your love continue to inspire generations to come.


Johnson Babalola is a Canada-based lawyer, leadership consultant, and public affairs analyst.