Happy International Women’s Day: Cheers to Ibrahim Damisa!

A story of mentorship in media and a celebration women in journalism

Published by Joy Osiagwu on 2022-03-08
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As the world celebrates International Women's Day, I choose to extol the virtues of a Boss who gave me a platform and firm foundation in the Broadcast industry. The Media was not my forte; I wanted a high-paying job. Mallam Ibrahim Damisa was the News and Current Affairs Manager at the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Channel 5 Abuja when I joined the organization as an artist shortly after completing the Mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). I was at the Radio House Abuja in the office of the Minister of Information, Dr. Walter Ofonagoro. After a short conversation about a political issue involving women in leadership positions, he concluded that my career path was in the broadcast industry.

But the Media was not my forte; I wanted a high-paying job. However, Dr. Ofonagoro insisted that I go to the NTA or the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) as an artist and decide to quit if I felt unfulfilled. So, I opted for the FRCN, but he insisted on the NTA. "You have On-Air presence and great communication skills. So go there; one of them will discover this quality and your ability to analyze ideas using logic to determine their strengths and weaknesses to conclude," said Dr. Ofonagoro.

So, two days later, I took the letter of introduction to the General Manager of NTA Channel 5, Alhaji Dauda Abari, one of the famous Television producers at the time (God rest his soul). He looked at it and said, "It is not a letter of employment. We are taking you in as an artist. However, if you prove your mettle, we will keep you in the fold."

So, we moved to the Manager of News, Mallam Ibrahim Damisa. "This one is a greenhorn; he said- Please groom her. And so, my journey began! Mallam Damisa was welcoming but firm about his work ethic. He introduced me to one of the news producers, Mallam Garba Abubakar (May his soul rest in peace).

Manager News Damisa was the last gatekeeper in the relay race. Garba was an enthusiastic news producer and reporter. His eyes were always on the goal, which I learned early from him. I was attached to Ms. Aisha Bello, a patient teacher and one of my mentors to date. She covered the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs. I also had to work with Mr. Titus Kuyamba, the area council correspondent of blessed memory.

Mallam Damisa insisted that I cover the grassroots with Kuyambana to develop my skills as a citizen journalist. The first few months were tough, as I wrote like a newcomer but was willing to learn. Manager News Damisa was the last gatekeeper in the relay race before the final production of the bulletin for 7 PM news. The deal was to take your script to Damisa after the producer had seen it.

I recall a particular episode - The producer had gone out for lunch while I had a report that must go on air at 7 PM, so I took my script to Mallam Damisa; he read the first two paragraphs and screamed! "Did the producer see this script? I had not seen the other side of him before, so I froze. Are you deaf? Where is Garba? He reached for the telephone and called Garba. Do you mean you were about to let this script go on air? What kind of gatekeeper are you? Then he turned and asked that I take the script back to Garba.

I was discouraged as I walked back to Garba. The Manager noticed my countenance and sent it to me the next day. He gave me the first lesson about researching details and structuring the information into news. "Joy, I know you studied English and drama, but news reporting differs. First, you need to learn the storytelling approach. From now on, I will work on your scripts to teach you the fundamentals of journalism, such as assessing the credibility of sources and building a news story. To do that, you need endurance and strength of character. If I am not available, please see the Assistant Manager News, Alhaji Aliyu, Bababarau."

He adopted the carrot-and-stick approach. That was the beginning of my journey into the broadcast industry. Mallam Damisa was severe about the grooming process. He was firm but knew when to take it easy. He adopted the carrot and stake approach. My passion for community news coverage with Titus Kuyamba took a more exciting approach, perhaps because of my background in theatre for community development from the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State. The interest became intense. It was no longer about searching for a bigger paying job. Dr. Ofonagoro was right! Someone found me. I did not let him down.

At this point, I was more interested in the joy on the faces of the voiceless in Kubwa, Mpape, Gwagwa Karmo, Kurunduma, and the one-man village on the way to Nassarawa State. Each time we told stories that made the locals hold their leaders accountable, the sense of fulfillment had no price tag. Mallam Damisa supervised the scripts, pushing me to take the limit off my peak, and I did not let him down.

The General Manager, Alhaji Abari, was impressed with the transformation. In addition, the Minister of State for the Federal Capital Territory, Dr. Ikejani Clark, sent a commendation letter to him after she watched one of my stories about the relocation of Wuse Market to a temporary site. Mallam Damisa began lobbying for my appointment as Reporter II without my knowledge while I continued working with Titus and Aisha. Two months later, Damisa called me to his office and handed me my appointment letter. He said to go and thank the General Manager. I ran to Alhaji Abari's office to express my gratitude. A few months later, I left for the Nigerian Television College in Jos, Plateau State, for a certificate course in Journalistic presentation.

In 2000, Mallam Damisa was appointed General Manager NTA Dutse, Jigawa state. The NTA headquarters moved from Lagos to Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, and most of the staff at NTA Channel 5, Abuja, moved to the Headquarters in Area 11. As a result, some of my colleagues and I had the privilege of joining our bosses and senior colleagues who took over the grooming process from Mallam Damisa and built on his foundation.

But like a Mother Hen watching over her chick, Boss Damisa monitored my progress from Dutse. After watching my special reports on the network news, he would regularly send text messages commending my strengths and offering advice on areas for improvement. He continued the monitoring process when he became the Deputy Director of News in 2006 and Zonal General Manager of NTA Jos in 2007.

I ran into a mutual friend in 2008; he asked if I was still in touch with Mallam Ibrahim Damisa. Out of curiosity, I wondered why. His reply left me in awe! He said, "Ibrahim was instrumental to your employment. When Dauda Abari gave an appointment letter to one of your male colleagues, Damisa insisted that you get an offer letter to ensure balance and equity. I was speechless! I got this revelation fourteen years later. Yet, Mallam Damisa did not mention it to me in all the years gone by. The story left me in tears. Damisa was like that; he was not interested in accolades. He was more concerned about grooming reporters.

Mallam Damisa was transferred to the Headquarters in Abuja as the Director of News in 2010. However, he kept on monitoring my performance. I received a call from him towards the end of 2011. He noticed an error in my promotion letter, which left me behind my contemporaries. Naturally, he was not happy about it. However, he kept on monitoring my performance. I received a call from him towards the end of 2011. He noticed an error in my promotion letter, which left me behind my contemporaries. Naturally, he was not happy about it. However, after our conversation, he followed up with the administrative directorate to rectify the anomaly.

Damisa had a penchant for grooming young broadcast Journalists with potential. So, he ensured that some colleagues also got appointment letters with the NTA shortly after the mandatory one-year NYSC. Today, some are Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors; we all come from various parts of the country. For Damisa, it was not about your gender, tribe, or religion. Instead, he was more interested in the potential.

I look back to my days as a newcomer over two decades ago and how Mallam Damisa followed my career progression. Indeed, he is one mentor I will not forget in a hurry.

To all the men who support young girls and women in taking the limit off their peak, I salute the DAMISA in you.

Happy International Women's Day.

Joy Osiagwu is a Broadcast Journalist and the Chief Executive Officer of iAfrica Voices.